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"beersides" - precon party

New for 2017 - "beersides" which is our precon party :)

There are a lot of people in Manchester for BSides Manchester so we have decide to bring everyone together for a precon party, which has been named by one of the BSIdes Manchester CIC Directors as "beersides"!  Can you see what he has done there....


"beersides" will be drinks, talks, socalising and a dam good time.  So what to expect?



Obviously.  We are in a bar, so you can expect to be able to buy beers, or whatever is your tipple.​  The venue is very good for cocktails...


Lightning Talks

We have hired the upstairs floor of the bar complete with project and sound system, so lets have some lightning talks.  We have a few lined up, but if you have something to say, then let us know in advance via email -  We are looking for no more than 15 mins per talk, and promise there will not be too many talks and lots of breaks.​




There will be loads people form the InfoSec, Hacker, Cyber community, so it will be a great place to catch up with old mates and make news ones.  It's not all talk talk talk, there will be plenty of opportunity to socalise.



Yes the venue sells food - so don't go hungry - order some.



Wednesday 16th August

We have the upstairs room of the venue from 6:30pm

Talks starting around 7:30pm/8:00pm


Once the venue is full it's full....


The Venue









Revolution Manchester - Oxford Road

90-94 Oxford Rd,


M1 5WH





Party Sponsorship Opportunity

Currently "beersides" is a going to be a pay bar, but if any generous companies out there would like to partner with us then we would be interested in speaking with you.  Email us on

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