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About BSidesMCR

BSides Manchester is back for our 3rd year :)

Want to know who is pulling the strings for BSidesMCR?  Think you could help organise the event?  Then contact us on




Several batches of tickets will be released to give everyone a chance of getting one regardless of when you work, sleep, study, etc.  More details here.



THe Schedule is now online.  Looking like a great conference.


After Party

After Party is now planned, but we need some help from others (companies, organisation, individuals) to donate some funds.  Full After Party details here.

Sponsors Needed

They say the best things in life are free, and BSides is all about being free but we still have to pay for stuff so if you would like to sponsor please visit our Sponsors page and download the sponsorship pack and then get in touch with us.


Rookies & Mentors

We are looking for more mentors to coach the new rookie speakers that will be accepted. If you are interested please email us at

Get Involved

Want to get involved? Have a question? Want to sponsor? or volunteer your help? Then get in contact either via twitter @BSidesMCR or via e-mail on



Keep uptodate with us

To keep up-to-date, please subscribe to our mailing list here.

and follow us on twitter @BSidesMCR and join the discussion on our LinkedIn Group

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© 2016 BSides Manchester CIC

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