BSides Manchester 2016 Schedule
The current schedule for BSides Manchester is as follows.
Wednesday 17th - evening
For anyone in Manchester on the Wednesday evening come and join the BSIdes Manchester Crew for drinks. We are planning on having a few drinks after a hard day of set up and preperation, hopefully from around 7pm. Planned venue for this is:
Black Dog New Wakefield Street (note there are three Black Dog's in Manchester)​
11-13 New Wakefield St
Manchester M1 5NP
Thursday 18th - BSides Manchester 2016 from 8am
Schedule for BSides Manchester 2016 is as follows
or download a PDF here:
After Party​
We hope you find BSides Manchester 2016 a great conference, and when it's over we want it to continue...
So we've reserved a pub over the road for the delegates, sponsors, and speakers to continue to talk tech and enjoy a drink.
Details of the After Party can be found here.