About BSides Manchester
In 2014 BSides Manchester was born. It was the result of three Security Professionals based in Manchester deciding that the UK needed more than just a single BSides event each year. After all, the UK is one of the biggest Security Communities in the world and this should be celebrated and promoted!
Previous BSidesMCR have been a great success and we would like to thank all those who presented, sponsored and volunteered to make the events happen.
Want to help organise?
The team behind BSides Manchester is a combination of people from a number of disciplines (not just security) but we are always looking for new people to help us organise the event. If you have any spare time to help organise a 400+ delegate event then please email elves@bsidesmcr.org.uk; we would love to have you on-board.
BSidesMCR has secured CIC (Community Interest Company) status and has a board of 3 directors. We are looking for other people to join the board and help build on the events for the future.
The people mad enough to put on this conference are:
Mark Turner - @manc_marko
Lloyd Brough - @PresumingOnion
Matt Summers - @dive_monkey
Gavin Holt - @GavinHolt
Dom Ryder - @domryder
Gareth Pritchard
BSides Manchester Logo
The BSides Manchester logo was the combined creative efforts of two of the BSides Manchester CIC Directors (Mark & Lloyd) and about the 15th attempt at a logo….
It appropriately makes use of a font called "HACKED_Title", which is free and created by David Libeau. So credit must goto David Libeau and if you want to know more or use the font then please visit: http://bit.ly/WatchDogsFont
Some versions of the logo feature a bee, and whilst many people think this a play on the word BSides, it actually represents a symbol of Manchester. The Manchester Worker Bee can be found all over the city - included in the city's coat of arms, many of the city’s exports (think Boddington Beer, etc) and denotes Mancunians' hard work. More information can be found here and on Wikipedia.
If anyone cares the BSides Manchester 2019 shade of gold is HEX #FFCC00.